Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Are we all perfect? Absolutely not! Should we as Christians try to be? Absolutely! We should try our best to be Christ-like---right? How many excuses do we allow ourselves and/or others when we know the effort is not there? Shouldn't we command ourselves to be the best we can be in Christ's eyes? How many times do we say we are sorry for the same sin committed a million times? Are we sorry? I know we are flawed, human and in desperate need of the salvation of Christ---yet at the same time do we use that as an excuse to allow someone to disrespect us? hit us? betray us? How many times would you allow someone to lie to you, say their sorry, yet at some point not put up a guard and say to yourself "I need to watch this person....they have lied to me before" or how many times would you allow someone to spit on you or slap you in the face before you say 'enough is enough'???? How many? Yet our gracious Jesus continues to forgive us---over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for the same sin we just finished committing and know we will commit again.Take profanity. When are we sorry? Are we sorry when we use it? Or only when we use it around someone who would find it rude and disrespectful? Or when it's an Elder or even a fellow Christian---but hey when we are alone or when it's around someone who uses it too---is that acceptable? Doesn't God still exist? Isn't He omnipotent? Isn't He everywhere at all times? So He is there when you are using the profanity around people you think won't mind or who use it themselves and don't we as vessels for Christ know that it disrespects Him? It grieves Him? Then we are not even real people are we? We are fakes! We are not ourselves or who we strive to be if we are different around other some people and then different around others. Aren't we now people pleasers and not God pleasers? Please tell me fellow Christians when is profanity acceptable? How about gossip and lying? How about adultery and murder?I am speaking to myself also. I find myself caught up sometimes in what should not be comfortable to me as a Christian but is ok with the group of folks I am around. I have found myself on my knees before Him.....That's where we need to be. In complete repentance and surrender to Him. Knowing He forgives us and takes our mud and garbage and makes us white as snow. He intercedes for us. He died for us. Let us remember that whatever company we are keeping---no matter who we are talking to or where we are --what is acceptable and what is not---He is there---with us---and we should remember if it is sin, disrespectful and rude to HIM then it is unacceptable, no matter the company we are in.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Great post! I saw from my blog that you are back...yeah!
And yes...we need to remember to be our selves around ALL company that we keep...meaning our Christ like selves (as much as we are able...we will never be perfect here on this earth :) ). Like you I cannot STAND lying, gossip and swearing.
I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to sever ties with people who are negative...and has replaced them with friends who are edifying and encouraging. Hope to read more stuff here...enjoy your week...